Our church, as a whole, is studying the book of Genesis. It's being preached from the pulpit, taught in children's ministry, and talked about to the youth. All the life groups in the church are also walking through the study together in their groups. I admit, there was a part of me that rolled my eyes when it came time to start. I didn't see what the big deal was. Why was it so important that we put so much emphasis on all studying the same thing at the same time?
I mentioned this to a friend and his position on it was that God can and will use any study, any venue, and anyone. I sat on that for a day or two and realized that if I kept a skeptics heart attitude toward this study that I would miss the moment. I would miss the opportunity to have my eyes opened to something new. I would miss the opportunity to learn. I would miss the opportunity for a blessing and I would miss the opportunity to be used.
So, now I am leading our life group through this study! How's that for a 180? :) God's grinning from ear to ear, if you ask me.
So, Genesis. It's a book that I've read many times. Countless Bible stories from my childhood come from this book. The story of creation alone - at the onset of sitting down to read it - left me wondering what I could POSSIBLY learn or see differently than the 345 times I'd read it before.
*Side note... at this point, if my youngest son, Josiah, had heard me say I'd read the creation story 345 times he would have hollered out in a 4th grade sing songy voice, "HYPERBOLE!". Okay, you got me buddy. I did probably grossly exaggerate how many times I've read it. But, it has been a lot! :)
The thing is though... when we ask God for open eyes and open hearts He is faithful to deliver. I believe that He holds all kinds of wonder and amazement at just the tips of our "understanding" ... waiting for us to just ask for it. I think He finds immense JOY in watching us open the "gift" of a new perspective, a new idea, a new understanding. It's like Christmas morning perhaps. We love to see the anticipation of watching a loved one open a gift that we KNOW they will love.
I'll share one. God created the heavens and the earth. He created light on day 1. There was day and night. Yup, okay...nothing new there... I read on .... day 2, day 3, day 4.
WAIT?! What.... day 4 God created the lights in the sky ... the sun for the day, the moon and stars for the night.
I stop reading and abruptly flip the pages back...
And then it hit me. Something I had never noticed before.
There was light from day 1 but God didn't create the light that WE know until day 4. So for 3 days - God put into place a light that sustained during his working and creating. And then when night came.. that light dissipated, turned off, faded away? (My husband and I joked...was it like a light switch? A dimmer?)
What could that light have been? I'm also reading in 1 John right now... and that very day I read... God is the LIGHT of the WORLD. Perhaps the mere presence of God lit up the world.
It's not earth shattering. I didn't solve a theological debate or find a life altering application that day. But I was excited by the wonder of God. He is a God of order and a God of creativity. He's a God that created plant life before the sun. It doesn't make any human sense to us. How could there be plant life sustained without the sun? God. How could there be light without a sun and a moon? God. How could He speak creation into existence. God.
Do I really need a better explanation than that? It's fun to imagine what could have been or what might have been but fundamentally, at the end of the day my answer is GOD...not logic, not science, not a theory.
It's just God. He's indescribable and His works are far more than I can fathom. And you know what? I'm good with that.
Monday, February 13, 2017
Posted by just me at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Friday night, Eric and I trucked back to Lowes for the 3rd time. We were walking in with the intentions to buy a new washer and dryer! We looked and hunted and talked to the sales guy (the son of a friend... so sweetly strange to interact with him as a young man and our appliance sales guy!).
We found one that we hadn't seen online. It met all our criteria AND was on sale. The dryer that accompanied it was also on sale and for even cheaper!!
With the financial gift we'd been given (read the last post if you're lost) we only paid out of pocket for the dryer we bought!! The washer was totally covered!
God is so good. We continue to be encouraged by His faithfulness.
Posted by just me at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Posted by just me at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 21, 2017
What about when BOLD prayers seem unanswered?
Posted by just me at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
This year I purpose to...
Posted by just me at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 5, 2017
The journey begins
It's just days in to this new bold year of mine. Funny, how once you start to focus and meditate on something how it seems to just show up, everywhere. Kind of like that car you bought, thinking it was so original and unrepresented on the streets. Until you buy it, and somehow you now see them every third block. It's a funny phenomenon ... I'm pretty sure it has it's own name but that's beside the point.
The point is... I acted timid, insecure, safe.
There, I admitted it.
The sad part, is I knew I was doing it, too. It wasn't some accidental, absent minded, I'm too flakey to realize I'm stepping away from my new declaration of bold. What I knew was I wanted a safety net, some experience first, a chance to "check it out".
And all the spirit could whisper to me was, "This is your time to step forward. This is your time to trust me. This is your time to put into action that which you've spoken. This is your time...step up...be bold."
(insert internal dialogue)
"Your plans are good for me, right Lord?
"You're not going to leave me hanging to dry, right?"
I'm always with you.
"What if I look like an idiot or fail?"
So what if you do?
The thing is, I know God has plans for me. I know He has the desire to orchestrate things in my life for His glory, for my good, for the good of His body. I know I have a part to play, a place to belong, and that I am to be instrumental in the Kingdom. The human fleshy part of me says, "But at what cost?" because I get caught up in how much time it might take, how much sacrifice it might demand, how much will it affect my family, how will it make me look, and the insecurities of "I can't".
But, I admit, on the heels of those fleshy thoughts comes another. "How can I not? How can I live, knowing that God has a plan for me and choose to ignore, choose to turn away from it, choose to pretend I don't see the signs? Is there anything that I could attain on my own that would make ignoring the Spirit of God in my soul worth it? I say, NO! Emphatically I say NO."
And yet....
A request is made of me to lead worship in a "new to me" venue. I hesitate. "Sure I'd love to help, but I don't want to lead by myself the first time. I want to feel it out."
It looks like surprise on his face when I tell him. He assures me that it will be easy, that the stage is big but its forgiving, and that no one there will be looking down on me ... they are just a bunch of broken people choosing to meet together.
Insert the Spirit's little pep talk to me above... This is your time....
Today, I pushed accept on the scheduling request sent to me. Everyone requested to play in the band has either not confirmed or is unable. So far, it's just me. It's okay. It's a couple weeks out and there's time to fill the spaces.
God has a plan. He has a purpose. He has a promise. What's better is he has a plan, purpose and promise FOR ME.
Posted by just me at 12:44 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 2, 2017
Posted by just me at 11:50 PM 0 comments