Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Time!

To say it's been quiet here in blog land would be an understatement! And it really isn't even because life's been all that busy! I've not made it a priority and not been asking the Lord what he'd like to me talk about. I plan to change that soon!

Honestly, I think in my effort to keep this blog all about God - I somehow put unnecessary pressure on myself to make sure that every word I wrote would somehow impart some lil tidbit of wisdom - sent directly from the Father through "lil ole me". Ahem, cough cough.. nothin' like a lil pride, eh? Oh pride is a ruthless and destructive weed! I think in every attempt to be honest and open and vulnerable - there lurks that desire for affirmation. I don't think that "desire to please" is BAD. I think looking for it in the wrong PLACES is bad! We were made for relationships by God... and hand in hand with relationships comes building one another up!! God wants us to seek HIS affirmation... and NO one elses! So, I will be seeking to find MINE in him!

It rather makes me think of the new puppy we got last week. Hooper is about 8 weeks old and is EAGER to please! But it takes him focus. He is so easily distracted by the kids, or a new scent - the next door neighbor dogs, the windchime outside, and that crusty cheerio that was missed by the broom this morning! And yet, deep within Hooper is a desire to be trained. A desire to be molded into a good dog. A desire to PLEASE and find praise from him master! And it isn't because Hooper wants to put himself above his master or on equal ground with his master. It's because Hooper wants a loving relationship with his master. A relationship with boudaries, trust, comraderie, companionship, and LOVE!

Isn't that the kind of relationship you want with YOUR Father? I know I do. It's a process though! All too often, I'm a hyper distracted daughter - easily swayed and influenced by the words, actions, opinions and ideas of others ... when all I should be doing is keeping my eyes on my Master... waiting for His direction, staying close by His side, walking with Him and enjoying our friendship.

So here's to a NEW DAY :)